For Immediate Release

To all Media Editors, Journalists and News Outlets 

RE: Mining Affected Communities United in Action calls for immediate intervention from Gold One Mine, Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, and labour unions to ensure safe returns of Gold One Mine employees and their concerns be addressed.
We, Mining Affected Communities United in Action, would like to draw attention to the urgent situation concerning the employees of Gold One Mine and the pressing need for immediate intervention from the Gold One Mine management, Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE), and relevant labour unions.
Gold One Mine has been a significant contributor to the South African mining industry, as well as an employer for many local communities. However, recent events have raised concerns surrounding the safety and well-being of the Gold One Mine employees. It is crucial that these concerns are addressed and the employees are reassured of their safety and welfare.
Mining Affected Communities United in Action, representing affected communities and advocating for their rights, understands the importance of responsible mining practices. We firmly believe that a safe and secure work environment is a fundamental right for all mine employees. Therefore, we call on the following parties to take immediate action:
1. Gold One Mine: We urge the management of Gold One Mine to prioritize the safety of their employees, implement robust safety measures, and ensure that all their concerns are promptly addressed. It is the responsibility of Gold One Mine to create a work environment that fosters the well-being of its employees.
2. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy: We appeal to the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy to intervene and conduct a thorough investigation into the concerns raised by the employees of Gold One Mine. Moreover, we request that the DMRE establishes stringent protocols and guidelines to ensure the safety and security of employees in all mining operations across the country.
3. Labour Unions: We call upon relevant labour unions to stand in solidarity with the employees of Gold One Mine, advocate for their rights, and work alongside the mine management to address their concerns. It is in the best interest of all parties involved to create a harmonious working relationship that prioritizes the well-being of the employees.
We recognize the value that mining brings to the economy and the livelihoods of numerous communities. However, the industry must not compromise the safety and security of its employees. Mining Affected Communities United in Action wishes to emphasize the importance of swift and decisive action from all parties involved to restore confidence and ensure the well-being of Gold One Mine employees.
We hope that our collective efforts will lead to the resolution of these concerns and establish a precedent for responsible mining practices in South Africa.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Gilbert Moela 
Media and Communication Officer 
Cell: 079-777-6175